By submitting your data through online registration and uploading your data to this website, you agree to allow QRelation Management Team GmbH to process (store, edit, transmit and use) your data.
All of the information you provide to us will be encrypted and stored on secure servers that cannot be accessed by unauthorized third parties.
You may request information at any time regarding your data that is stored or processed on our servers. Furthermore, you can access, edit or delete your personal data online at any time. After you delete your data, it will no long be available to us.
Should any problems occur when accessing, changing or deleting your personal data, please contact us immediately by e-mail so that we can assist you as quickly as possible.
We will treat the data you submit as strictly confidential and transmit it to third parties – i.e. potential employers – only with your consent. We will use the information you upload exclusively for the intended purpose, i.e. in connection with staffing. Any disclosure of your data to other third parties, or any such without your express consent, for instance for advertising purposes, is expressly barred.
If your data is disclosed to third parties – such as potential employers – with your consent, we will bind them to treat your data as confidential. Nevertheless, any liability on our part is excluded by any improper use by third parties of the data disclosed to these third parties with your consent.
Furthermore, we expressly advise that in no case does there exist any legal claim on your part to the communication of any kind of job or employment offer whatsoever.